Tuesday 30 June 2009

How fashion affects just about everything.....

Hey all,

I just got back from London!
Well okay I got back at 11:30pm on Sunday 28th June 2009 but I haven't had time to post lol.

Anyway here's the thing guys, what does fashion have to do with anything that is with the self-improvement side of things?

Simply put.....EVERYTHING!!!

Have you guys ever been speaking to someone and they seem a little interested but not all that interested? But you barreled through and thought they were interested?

Well I had this little episode happen to me quite recently.

Pretty much what happened, while I was away at the traffic generation seminar in London, will give you more info in the P.S. While I was there I approached some people and spoke to them casually and they just seemed a little off with me. I was in a black shirt and quite dressed.

So I totally got a negative outcome to what I wanted. On my way back home to Leicester on Sunday I saw the same people, now I gathered they had forgotten me and I Was in my more casual gear of a fuchsia pink t-shirt and some black jeans. So I ended up approaching these people and they were so much more receptive.

I remember reading a while ago on how fashion was one of the ways humans size each other up.

So how you dress really does matter!

Remember people are visualistic(tm) creatures. So we judge from a looks point of view.

Hope this helps!


P.S. Learn to achieve goals quickly, click here
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