Monday 2 March 2009

The Clearing Effect

How many of you have heard of "The Ho'oponopono Process"?

Well I am gonna be honest, I had no clue what this was until about 4 days ago when I was listening to a program by Dr. Joe Vitale.

This process is amazingly amazing to say the least. The process originates from Hawaii.

What this process does is it cleanses you, like removing your metal roadblocks. The theory behind the process is pretty much saying, that we are not only responsible for ourselves but for everyone else.

Let me elaborate before you call me :P,
O.k Dr Lin, was were Joe Vitale heard about this process, you see Dr. Lin was working at a mental hospital for the criminally insane. But he never had one on one's with patients, or even any face time, he just walked through there holding ward, checked there profiles in his office then shut the door.

Now he said something to himself, and the divine, which I will share with you shortly.
Anyway he sat there saying these four things to himself. As time went on, these criminally insane people started to be released from prison. These were men who they thought could never get better and they did.

Now this is all true because Dr. Joe Vitale checked this out and had checked with the staff there and everything.

This is the process Dr. Lin used. He said these four statements, in any order you like:
  • I'm sorry
  • Please forgive me
  • Thank you
  • I love you
Dr. Lin took it upon himself saying he was responsible for these men so cleansing himself would cleanse there souls as well.

Now these four phrases don't seem like much but try it, with what ever it is in your mind that your having trouble with.
Place that problem in your mind, then say the 4 in what ever order you wish, and you will start feeling them and you will soon notice it works.

Let me know your results below :).

Best wishes,


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1 comment:

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Adil .. well no! .. it sounds interesting & I'll try it - as I'm going through a patch that needs cleansing ..

I'm sorry ..
Please forgive me ..
Thank you ...
I love you ..

Thanks for this post ..
Hilary: Be Positive Be Happy