Monday 29 December 2008

Losing a bad habit

Hey all,

Theres a book recommendation at the end of this post so read through

I totally understand that losing or even trying to lose a bad habit is so hard, but trust me it is worth it.

I can say this because I recently let go of a bad habit and replaced it with a good habit.

I will not say what it was but I will tell you the method of how I did it.

I can't take any credit because I learned this technique after hearing Dr. Wayne Dyer say it.
So here it is............

If you want to get rid of anything negative in your life. Then simply pray, or just say, "I hand this bad habit to God" or replace "God" with what you believe.

This way your letting it go and letting that higher power, for me its God, take charge of it.

Best wishes,


The book to get is a classic, "The Greatest Salesman in the World" - by Og Mandino
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