Hey guys,
Okay so far we have covered both:
How to reduce social anxiety AND self-amusement.
Today we're going to be going through the next two points on this post!
Okay so to just to recap the next two are....
Smiling - why its important and how to find your smile....
Be Interesting and Interested - How to be interested and interesting simultaneously and why it's important, etc.
You guys get the gist. Alright so lets get stuck in!
So why is smiling important?
Simple really, because it means, YOU ARE FRIENDLY and not a danger to the person you are speaking to. It also makes you feel great, makes you feel more social as well.
In terms of body language, smiling is perceived as a universal sign of hope, happiness, joy and fun. And if you smile at someone it is usually hard for them not to smile back, unless you caused them some grief or something.
Anyway the way smiling works in your favor in a "Center of attention" moment, is that when you are speaking, if you have this big ol' smile on your face, it is going to be very hard for people not to like you.
Remember about 92% of all communication is non-verbal but is based on body language dominantly followed by vocal tone. So using the smiling tip, you tend to have people just become attracted to this conversation, because as humans we tend to mimic the happiest. So if you smile and are genuinely making people laugh and giggle while adding value, other people will gravitate toward you.
So how do we get our "killer" smile?
Well a little known face about smiling is that it only takes 17 muscles to smile and about 37 to frown. So smile!
You might say, as I did once, "I can't smile I look really bad!"
Well you can change that using a tip I picked up. There are many ways, one of which is pretty rude but it works like a charm, if you want to know what this tip is email me and i will send it you confidentially so I avoid being in trouble.
Okay so here's how you smile greatly,
1) Smile with your eyes. - By using this and smiling so happily, people will say you "light up" and also when smiling with your eyes, its more real and makes you look great as well.
2) Smile with your mouth completely wide and happy. - Don't care what people say, just let that smile go.
Want to know a DIRTY DIRTY SECRET? NO ONE CARES what you actually look like when you smile or if you shower or don't, if you comb your hair or style it. No one actually really overly cares.
Reason is people generally are to self-centered to notice you being out of place.
Now some people say, "I'd rather be interested then interesting because people will like me more".... Let me clear this up for you, this only works 50% of the time which is good but here's the thing, if you are in a group trying to be the center of attention in a good way, here's what you want to do.
Say something interesting, and then be interested to hear people's responses. It's important because if you are just interesting people will look upon you as a, "Know it all" or "A pain in the butt who won't shut up."
Personally I do get told I talk to much, which is true because I am a predominant blue personality type, if you don't know what I mean check through my blog and search "Blue personality type".... Anyway, though I have been known and told I talk to much I have yet to receive a, "You're so irritating when you talk" comment. This is because I have made sure when I speak I am interested in the person and they are interested in me, so when I say something interesting they tend to listen and give there opinions and feedback.
This blends perfectly with self-amusement because when you can be self-amused. you will automatically say something off the cuff and have people respond, usually if you have rapport, which you would have, that's why your in the group. They will respond positively and just smile with you and just follow on.
Okay so I will be back in a few days with another new update on the final 2 parts :). then the big 3 secrets.
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Podcast: Adil Amarsi
3 years ago
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