Thursday, 30 July 2009

The 11 forgotten laws....

Hey Party people,

How are you all today?

Okay this is gonna be a very odd blog because I can't explain these laws yet but I know what they are, if that makes sense?

Before we begin I will tell you it was Bob Proctor who made this program and I will include a link to the site, should you wish to buy but there is something even cooler which you will see in the P.S. Of this post.

Okay so lets begin the 11 laws.

1) Law of Thinking
2) Law of Supply
3) Law of Attraction
4) Law of Recieving
5) Law of Increase
6) Law of Compensation
7) Law of Non resistance
8) Law of Forgiveness
9) Law of Sarcrifice
10) Law of Obedience
11) Law of Success

I'm going through this program as we speak and I'm only on Law number 1, I'm trying out a new strategy, listen to one CD so much that it drives me nuts or I know it well enough.... Good plan yay(!) :).

Anyway from the guy who recommended this to me, sorry I forgot how to spell your name, and you won't let me nickname you....
He has started applying these laws, and he's been getting some kick ass results.

I know this is like a really none cool post but I promise once I learn more of the laws I will write them up for you in an awesome way :).

The course is found here:

Best wishes,


P.S. (Yay for P.S.'s) This is what you get with this program from the site...
All 11 laws....
Bonus #1: The American Monk’s Prosperity Program: 4-Step Golden Strategy to Autopilot Prosperity and Happiness

Bonus #2: Laura Silva's Little-known secrets to "manifest like a millionaire" done at T.Harv Eker's $5000 "Master your mind"

Bonus #3: Silva's centering exercise... This I've done through the Silva life systems course, it's pretty awesome, puts your mind at an "Alpha" wave state and makes you feel super peaceful.

Bonus # 4: FinerMinds premium membership.

Those are the bonuses you get but to increase the bonuses
I've prepared a super bonuses just for you guys reading this.

Special Bonus: 10 super ebooks;

Avoid Procrastination - By Unknown
Self Mastery - by E. Coue
Compensation - by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Spiritual laws - by Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Science of Being Great - By Wallace D. Wattles
The Science of Being Well - By Wallace D. Wattles
The Science of Getting Rich (this version is different I found just as good if not better) - By Wallace D. Wattles, Compiled by Tony Mase.
Walking - by Henry David Thoreau
The Speed Reading Course - By Peter Shepherd & Gregory Mitchell
The Secret to Winning Every Single Time in Everything You Do - by Jim Edwards

Later Days
The 11 forgotten laws....SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

The distance between success and Failure!

Hey guys

I was watching a random Tony Robbins video on youtube, because he is someone who is like MEGA awesome...

Anyway this is during a time while I feel super uncertain about things because I just feel really burntout. Now here's what Tony said,

"It takes an Millimeter to change everything. If you hit a golf ball a millimeter to the side it either lands in the sand dune, the water or the green, because it doesn't look like much but it arcs."

So remember if you feel like your at a loss of certainty, shift 1 millimeter and see how it feels.

Best wishes,


"Arrogance is putting people around you down to make yourself feel and look good, this never lasts long, but Confidence is bringing up those around you by making them look good and its reciprocated and lasts forever" - Adil A. Amarsi

The distance between success and Failure!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend


Hey guys,

I got an insane story for you guys.

As many of you know I took up studying, in super super super deep depths how the mind of people works and so on and so forth. Now I know one of the best ways to get a good influence on people to educate them is based on emersion, this just means me, you and a few other people all doing the same activity together so it becomes stronger to you.

Now this is the weird thing I noticed recently, for those who have an Xbox 360 or PC version of this game or who have kids who have this game I got totally emersed in it. The game is called "Gears of War". How I got so emersed in it is scary because at one point, after reading a bit of the Gears novel, I started feeling like how some of the characters would feel.

Such as Marcus Fenix (pictured)
He is the game's main character and so on. Anyway his story develops through the first game making the player very curious about him.

The game, btw, is based in an alternate world named Sera, which is like Earth but destroyed because of greed and wars.

Marcus is known in the game as a war hero who is in Prison for abandoning his post to try to save his dad, etc.

Anyway the next Character is Domanic Santiago, life long friend of Marcus Fenix and a guy who is looking for his wife.

Ths is where the emersion begins, ESPECIALLY in gears of war 2. From the get go you are thrown in like you yourself are a Gear.
I think its like act 3 (mission 3) of the first chapter. And you get this cut scene....

After watching this cut scene you feel emersed to just play the game....

I questioned why this was happening and the answer was emersion. Not only did the game make things enjoyable and a way to vent out some level of stress. You have this combination of melding that feeling into your psychology, which is really brilliant because it's seldom happens in games, usually movies or books. The main aim of this, and I am not sure they even knew this effect, was to get you to love the game and merchandise such as hats, bags, beanies, lighters, etc....

It works because on a random guess they've probably shipped millions of dollars in merchandise away from the game alone. Not to mention the fact anytime this game launches, "Gears 1 and Gears 2", The local game shops always have a midnight launch, which I might add nearly sells the entire stock in that time. In some cases, as with Leicester Gamestation, they sold out of there stock of Call of Duty 4 (I only know this because I was there), about 12 times within the first 5 weeks of the game being released..... What's scary is we moved more products of this then any other store.... now back to the lesson...

If you want people to be nicer, more attracted, or just for to be the life of a party, emerse everyone in "your world", get them to see how great it is.

Sorry this post is so everywhere, I've yet to sleep... but please study the video and send me your response in the comments section.


Have an awesomely awesome day,

Later days,

EmersionSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

How to keep an audience focused and alert...

Hey guys,

This is just something I thought to write about because I went to a recent seminar and it was my first time ever I saw a few people fall asleep, others fidget and some just not care for what the speaker was saying. Which is stupid because this guy had good content. THOUGH admittedly I did feel a little bit bored.

So I thought to do this blog on how to keep an audience going on your message and have them alert, captivated and ready to love you!

Okay so straight in to one of the best ways I know to keep an audiences attention.

Is have them do something with you, like Tony Robbins has the yes clap. And Jerry Clark has the go clap.
Some other people just get everyone to stretch out. My friend, Kalpesh Patel ALWAYS had us give the people near us a massage, this woke us all up and made us laugh. My other friend Mark Anastasi had us (the crowd) repeat powerful affirmations such as, "I'm a millionaire". This is excellent because it creates high energy.

A few other things that work are ask questions, change the volume of your voice, coming out of that monotone and get into something more fun. Tell a few jokes, walk into the crowd and ask questions.

A few people whom I know who do this so well are Jennie Armato, Sean Roach, Russell Brand and a few other entertainers/speakers. If you do this it builds such a quick bond because your not so away from them your joining in, you're asking them questions, and getting to know them.

When you give value in a fun manner, it is kept better in the minds of people and the crowd will start accociating you with the word fun, which is what you want because when you are fun and have what they want that equals to you having constant customers and a lot more friends.

Hope this helps.

Best wishes,

How to keep an audience focused and alert...SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Monday, 27 July 2009

An amazing experience....

Hey guys,

Hope you all had an amazing weekend.

First and foremost thank you to the people who emailed in, Louise Champion and Prabs thank you both for the long questions, I will answer them all asap :), promise.

Okay so I had yet another amazing experience.

To share something personal and in no way shape or form do I want any of you reading this to feel bad for me or something =D. But my doctor told me I might have so much stress it's messing up my sleep, so you stressy people PAY SUPER ATTENTION HERE!

So the amazing experience was while I was feeling low, tired, bored, which all by the way lead to the dark side...known as depression. Though these are miles away from depression following that path eventually leads you there.

Here's what I had happen to me, without realizing it, I started sitting in my "power and confident" posture, and started to breathe if everything was okay. And bam like a bolt of lightening I'm back to being the energetic maniac :).

This is based on something I learned from Tony Robbins a year ago but never actually applied because I hadn't had to. So it helped now so yay.

To get into your power and confidence posture do the following:

1) Close your eyes and visualize yourself in your peak condition, when you feel great, full of life, power, joy and confidence. You're doing what you do best at the best level possible.

2) Breathe DEEP for 20 seconds. Hold in for 6 seconds, release SLOWLY until you are back to normal and repeat (Thank you Craig Goldblatt)

3) Get up and move, have a shower, work out, but get moving, when you move your body starts to sense your doing well and pumps more endorphin around your body.

Have an awesomely awesome day!


p.s. Are you guys still not following me on twitter?
Click here to follow woo XD
An amazing experience....SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Saturday, 25 July 2009

I wanna hear from you....

Hey guys,

Just a quick post, because its 9:04 am and I have just finished up some work so I am relaxing, so I thought to post.

Okay here's the deal,

I want you guys to help me out by telling me exactly what you want me to blog about....No I'm serious. Not to say I know everything but If you have something you want me to blog about tell me, and I will either blog about it, or send a message to you telling you, "I have no idea what this subject is about and will blog on it later."

Anyway Let me know.

Later days,


P.S. Thank you Adam for your awesome advice on more ways to increase weight....Hard Gainers ROCK!
I wanna hear from you....SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Friday, 24 July 2009

Okay I'm a bit peeved!

Guys this is a quick blog,

I don't feel like writing much because I am peeved at my internet provider for NOT telling me the first 10 days = SLOW, UNRELIABLE CONNECTION!

Thank you BT!

Which means No video because It won't upload so I decided to write it out....yay :).... I am going to leave you with a bit of a story of my random personal journey to regain my athleticism and build more muscle....

As a few already know I class under the category of, "HARD GAINER" which means no matter what I do I can hardly put on weight.

So I went on good ol' google in search of an answer that would best help me out. I found a site, by the way this was 2 days or so ago.... Bought the product and started immediately.

Here's my review after just 2 or so days....

The product is good, it's helped me build a bit more muscle, and you can see it, I checked my weight, its at a good level and I feel slightly more energetic. I recommend this to anyone who is up for weight loss and muscle gain, and just to feel great.

Links are at the bottom of this post.

Comment please :)


Link for super awesome muscle thing!
Okay I'm a bit peeved!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Thursday, 23 July 2009

The 3 big Secrets to getting what you want in life and people

Yes It's a bit of a wordy title I know, but it is the lessons I have learned in dealing with life and dealing with people.

Anyway let's begin.

1) In order to have you must be.

This is one I learned from Matt Morris who is the founder, president and CEO of Success University. Pretty much what he taught me through his CD was this secret.

People often think in order to be something you must have something. IF you want to be happy, you have to have something for it, E.g. A new car, nice house, lots of money, etc.

Or if you want to be a millionaire, you have to do all these things and then you will be one.


Is that you must BE before you have.

"What do you mean, Adil?"

Simply put, if you want to be a millionaire, first think like a millionaire, if you want to have this soul mate, think of already knowing and being with them, etc.

Everything that happens in life is a reaction to what your inner world is. Remember wealth doesn't happen to you, but you happen to wealth. Meaning your thoughts and inner dialogue creates your world.

2) Take complete Responsibility

This is one that is hardly spoke about or taught else where.
Taking 100% responsibility for EVERYTHING. Meaning if you just got laid off or fired or downsized, its not the company's fault, it's yours, because you chose to work there, you didn't upgrade your skill set, etc.

This sounds negative but it really isn't, when you take control of responsibility, your ability to respond, you will see you can control your life much easier.

This isn't an easy thing to do. Trust me. it takes a lot of self-discipline to do. Another example to this is when you break up with someone, take responsibility, if you argue, take responsibility.

REMEMBER your view, is just your view, take responsibility of it, if the other person doesn't take responsibility for there actions, you shouldn't take there's to. Just respond with an apology and leave it at that, the other person will soon be okay with you.

In work or lifestyle, take responsibility that you being in debt, or not where you are. IS the price you paid for being lazy and un-responsible. I am not telling you to blame yourself, just take responsibility in an empowering manner, I am guilty of not taking responsibility but I learn and so does everyone else.

3) Be fun

I know I have gone on about this before but this is from every area of life.

If you are the fun person, people will gravitate toward you. Really imagine this one, who would you rather hang out with, the fun person or the dull one?

Yeah its usually the fun person you would want to hang out with.

I know this secret isn't explained completely, because it is pretty obvious :).

Anyway guys, I know I said I would do a video as well, but my computer is being odd. So the video will be up soon.

For those who know, I am doing my health challenge, started this morning, I did 30 push ups, 30 sit ups and 30 squats, I did a mile long power walk. This afternoon me and a friend walked about 5 or so miles, was pretty awesome.

Speak to you tomorrow!

The 3 big Secrets to getting what you want in life and peopleSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

That "Ah Ha" Moment!

Alright, instead of giving the 3 big secrets I said I would, I wanted to post this first, I will give the 3 big secrets away tomorrow, sorry about this but this was a teeny bit more in my head.

This is a short post.

Okay so as the title states, we have all had this special "Ah Ha!" Moment!

But what if I was to tell you, you could have these moments more often in your own life?

You can create them yourself, well in a way you already do but I mean more on purpose and more meaningful ones. Rather then ones where it's every so often or seen as coincidence?
Would you like to?

I would imagine so, because those moments are awesome!

What inspired me to write this over the 3 secrets to getting practically everything in life was simply I had this experience.

For those that do or don't know I am a Tony Robbins student, I think he is amazing and has a big heart and is full of energy and passion. I did his personal power 7 day course on September 23rd 2008, A week before my birthday. I never looked at it again until yesterday, 21st July 2009 (Holy crap can you believe it?). Anyway I looked at it and read some of the goals I placed in, Now some of the immediate 1 year goals did seem a bit far off, I do feel close to achieving them but the "Ah Ha" moment I got was when I looked at a 3 year goal I have, now at the time I had no idea how I would achieve it, but over the course of the last few months I have acquired the skill set to achieve that goal.

So how do you get "Ah Ha" moments all the time and make them intentional?

Simple really. I have wrote about it before but here goes again in a condensed version... with some added steps.

1) Get a sheet of paper, on it write out the letter "A".
On the sheet write about how your lifestyle is, list everything about how things aren't going your way, etc. Finances, relationships, the whole sha-bang....

Now that sounds negative but it is positive.

2) Get another sheet of paper and write how you want your life to be like, in the positive as if it has happened, and do it in a sense of you go into COMPLETE detail of your perfect, average, every day life. So it should be based on what you want this day to bring to you in terms of experience.

Don't write out your life script but like a diary of your day, your perfect average day...meaning you would do this daily.

3) Write out goals. But this time, put how long you want, is it doable within a year, how about 3, or is it 5, maybe 10 or even 20 yrs. Write it out. Then prioritize them, and make a plan from it.

Now you have wrote these down, even if you don't look at them, you will start moving toward them.

But it is best to look at them.

Best wishes,


By the way, tomorrow, on facebook I will ask you all who read this to actually come to my blog.
To check out a video I am putting up :).
That "Ah Ha" Moment!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Sunday, 19 July 2009

How to be the center of attention.... Part 4!


Today's blog is going to be a little like a Philly cheese steak with the extra's, it's gonna have a little bit of everything on it... Have I ever had a Philly Cheese Steak, well no but I like the saying.

Today I am going to give you some really great info, followed up with a request and finally a big happy smiling portion of a preview of my next post titled, "3 Big Secrets to getting anything you want from life and people." Well okay I couldn't remember the title i had in mind, all I remember it was good content lol.

Okay so onto the last 2 of the 6 ways of being the center of attention.

Let's recap, shall we :-)

Okay so we have covered:

Reducing Your Social Anxiety
Being Self Amused
Being interested and interesting

And today we will cover, giving them more value then they had before you joined them and when leaving say goodbye to all and hug them.

So why is giving more value to people important, how does this help you, and what long term benefits come from this?

Well let's have a look at it this way, if the group is having a boring, droll and not so fun conversation, and you enter with this value of giving fun, interesting topics of empowering them and yourself, you have given value.

Now the person who gives value to others is usually seen as the one with highest value, so the people's attention is turned to you. This plays well when you give interest in other people and follow up with interesting topics of conversation (See this is the mashing up of all 6 points here :P)....

How does being seen as the person with highest value help you?

Truly amazingly because when you give value, and people see you as a high value person, they have an instant natural urge to like you, so this helps in you being able to get the information you want later to keep in touch.

Imagine for a moment, two separate scenario's.

Scenario 1: A person you don't know just enters your group/A friend of a friend enters your group discussion. They make everyone laugh and gives everyone a value of making themselves feel great. At the end of the interaction, they turn to you and say,
"hey it was loads of fun, can I take down your number or something so we can keep in touch and do this again?" With a big warm friendly smile on there face..

Scenario 2: Similar situation with the difference of this person is giving no value, has really bad posture, is interrupting someone who is speaking, trying to change the subject and all out being rude. At the end they ask you for your information, with a sort of glum look on there face.

Who are you going to give your information to?

Exactly it's usually scenario person 1.
The reason is because he gave value, and VALUE BUILDS COMFORT AND RAPPORT!

A great long term benefit of giving great value, is you become known as a person who can help people in a particular thing, plus because you were so friendly and fun, people with your details will usually send you messages asking you to come out.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: Before I got good at meeting people and interacting like it was second nature (I found out later on it was second nature).... I used to be really quiet, and not be able to interact and at age 14+ your focus is mostly on girls, if your a guy... So when I went out with my best friend at the time, DJ and we used to meet all his friends etc, now I had some okay conversations with them, etc.
Wanna guess how many people called me out to hang out with them being the timid guy out the group? Yeah that's right only my friends that truly knew me.

Fast forward to today, without sounding like I am bragging, after understand the rules of how to be the center of attention in a positive way, I now meet people through my friends or randomly and within a few moments, I have made friends with them and they have shared there information with me. I.E. Email addresses/phone numbers, etc.

Now because of giving value, I get phone calls from these people, sometimes before even the friend who introduced us, to meet up. There's also a business aspect of things, you could make connections through business conventions where you meet people whom you might have a product for.

Okay on to the last one today....

When leaving a person or a group give them a hug.

Now there is an importance to why you want to hug, and that is building more comfort with the person. A hug represents being close to someone and is seen as you liking them and them hugging back usually represents them liking you back. This is liking in the sense of they trust you enough for you to touch them.

Again back to the 2 scenario's. Who would you hug, the person who is happy sociable, fun and gives value. Or the person who isn't got much happening?

It's always best to leave with a hug because this also leaves the person with a good last impression of you. People say first impressions are very important, they are. But they seldom talk about the last impression. If you leave a great last impression as well as an okay - great first impression then you have a winning combo to make sure this person, when they share there details with you, is very likely to meet up with you.

Best wishes,


Follow me on twitter :)

P.S. This is the last part of the Philly Cheese Steak post thing :P.
AS you all know people are looking for alternative fuels. but the downside for many people is that it costs about $1000+ to build something that will give you energy through solar or wind power right?

Well usually yes, but I found a guide that teaches you how to build one for less then $200. you can get it for $50 today because the guy has it on sale.
If you are interested have a look.
Click here :)

P.P.S. For every buy through my link I am giving away 50% of whatever I earn to charity.

Thank you again.
Here's the URL one more time.
How to be the center of attention.... Part 4!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

How to be the center of attention.... Part 3!

Hey guys,

Okay so far we have covered both:

How to reduce social anxiety AND self-amusement.

Today we're going to be going through the next two points on this post!

Okay so to just to recap the next two are....

Smiling - why its important and how to find your smile....

Be Interesting and Interested - How to be interested and interesting simultaneously and why it's important, etc.

You guys get the gist. Alright so lets get stuck in!


So why is smiling important?

Simple really, because it means, YOU ARE FRIENDLY and not a danger to the person you are speaking to. It also makes you feel great, makes you feel more social as well.

In terms of body language, smiling is perceived as a universal sign of hope, happiness, joy and fun. And if you smile at someone it is usually hard for them not to smile back, unless you caused them some grief or something.

Anyway the way smiling works in your favor in a "Center of attention" moment, is that when you are speaking, if you have this big ol' smile on your face, it is going to be very hard for people not to like you.

Remember about 92% of all communication is non-verbal but is based on body language dominantly followed by vocal tone. So using the smiling tip, you tend to have people just become attracted to this conversation, because as humans we tend to mimic the happiest. So if you smile and are genuinely making people laugh and giggle while adding value, other people will gravitate toward you.

So how do we get our "killer" smile?

Well a little known face about smiling is that it only takes 17 muscles to smile and about 37 to frown. So smile!

You might say, as I did once, "I can't smile I look really bad!"

Well you can change that using a tip I picked up. There are many ways, one of which is pretty rude but it works like a charm, if you want to know what this tip is email me and i will send it you confidentially so I avoid being in trouble.

Okay so here's how you smile greatly,

1) Smile with your eyes. - By using this and smiling so happily, people will say you "light up" and also when smiling with your eyes, its more real and makes you look great as well.

2) Smile with your mouth completely wide and happy. - Don't care what people say, just let that smile go.

Want to know a DIRTY DIRTY SECRET? NO ONE CARES what you actually look like when you smile or if you shower or don't, if you comb your hair or style it. No one actually really overly cares.

Reason is people generally are to self-centered to notice you being out of place.

Now some people say, "I'd rather be interested then interesting because people will like me more".... Let me clear this up for you, this only works 50% of the time which is good but here's the thing, if you are in a group trying to be the center of attention in a good way, here's what you want to do.

Say something interesting, and then be interested to hear people's responses. It's important because if you are just interesting people will look upon you as a, "Know it all" or "A pain in the butt who won't shut up."

Personally I do get told I talk to much, which is true because I am a predominant blue personality type, if you don't know what I mean check through my blog and search "Blue personality type".... Anyway, though I have been known and told I talk to much I have yet to receive a, "You're so irritating when you talk" comment. This is because I have made sure when I speak I am interested in the person and they are interested in me, so when I say something interesting they tend to listen and give there opinions and feedback.

This blends perfectly with self-amusement because when you can be self-amused. you will automatically say something off the cuff and have people respond, usually if you have rapport, which you would have, that's why your in the group. They will respond positively and just smile with you and just follow on.

Okay so I will be back in a few days with another new update on the final 2 parts :). then the big 3 secrets.


If you aren't following me on twitter, click here
How to be the center of attention.... Part 3!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Thursday, 9 July 2009

How to be the center of attention.... Part 2!

Hey all!

First of all, sorry for taking too much time to post this, I've been REALLY busy and have become somewhat of a hermit.... :).

Also thank you to the people who emailed me asking for help, you know who you are. I love it when people ask because it gives me a sense of contribution and its a form of feedback, also thank you for those that commented on my facebook note :).

Okay so lets jump straight into the 2nd way of being the center of attention without being a needy, pain in the butt, small ego'd person....

So we covered Reducing Social Anxiety and now we are moving on to Self-amusement.

Now just a quick note this is just in number form, in reality all these things we are speaking about mash up together.

Okay so straight into number 2) Self Amusement.

So how does being self amused make you the center of attention?
Well if you are there being self amused you naturally draw attention to yourself and this is where confidence comes in. I have been in this position and see other people in the same place, you start doing something you enjoy, others look, without expressing there opinions you take it that they are silently judging you so you stop. Where as in reality I have found people actually enjoy it.

Now it is no secret I can not sing to save my life. But I still go out and I sing something stupidly weird like, "Zero to Hero" from the Disney Hercules movie. I have people look at me and if they've seen it, I ask them to join in and they do. This is down to the expectation of a positive outcome.

At the end of the 6 stages I will reveal to you thee most powerful source there is to being the center of attention and having what you want from it.

So to continue on self amusement. People generally find those who have low social anxiety and self amusement as people they want to be and follow. Or even be around because when you have low S.A. and high levels of self-belief and amusement you let your natural charisma take control and that makes people want to be around you even more.

In all fairness I didn't come up with this thought, I learned it from a guy by the name of Jon and he is a dating master Consultant. This guy is awesome, anyway he said that being self-amused helped him out and he teaches self-amusement and how it helps. He actually originally took the song "A whole new world" and started singing it with his friends on a night out and it had people join in, etc. Anyway Jon does teach a lot of stuff but in a dating point of view on his blog.
Click here to check it out.

How to be self-amused in a group?

Well okay lets throw you into a scenario where you are out with friends, and its a mixed group of friends, boys and girls. They're talking to someone but you want to be noticed by this someone, you become self amused. Like for example, when I went out into the city the other day, I literally just stood in one spot for 3 minutes wholly all on my own, I called some random woman and just pointed out what I was looking at and asked her something stupid like, "Doesn't that look like, xyz?"

Got a conversation going, next thing I know me and her are asking other people and at the end of it we had about 5 people starring exactly where I was originally because I was so self-amused by the thought. By the way in case your wondering we were looking at this Cloud that looked a lot like an Eagle.

So simple steps for becoming self amused:

Step 1) know what makes you laugh. Once you know this see how many other people find it funny, and if they don't. DO NOT change to say, "yeah it isn't that funny after all" because now you are losing congruence with the person/group. So stick to your guns on what makes you laugh.

Step 2) Work on your posture, the importance of posture is paramount because when you speak and something is funny and your very fluid to the body expression of the joke, people often laugh with you. They observe your body movement, if it is very stiff and you are laughing, they think your joke is not funny and if its something about yourself such as,
"I fell up the stairs today" They will think you are B.S'ing them.

Finally Step 3) Go out and start speaking to people, when you do. Make it a game with yourself to make the other person laugh. When you do this, you become the center of attention in their world. Which in turn if you do this with a group of friends, they will look at you, and you have the "floor" to speak and they will listen to you.

Oh and a final side step: DON'T BE BORING! I recently went to a seminar where one of the speakers was tremendously talented with a great range of how he could help you....BUT he was sooo boring, his deliverability was bad a lot of the crowd fell asleep.
And of course don't take anything to seriously because that doesn't come off as fun.

Best wishes,


P.S. The next post will be soon and follow me on twitter:
How to be the center of attention.... Part 2!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Monday, 6 July 2009

How to be the center of attention.... Part 1!

Hey guys,

Sorry I haven't posted much, I have been busy....
Just a side note I have an up coming launch and if your following me on twitter, you will be one of the first to know about it.

Anyway on to today's subject.

How to be the center of attention without coming off as needy, small ego'd and annoying.

Okay some people I know personally tend to try to be the center of attention and I will be honest, it pisses me off a lot.
They'll do stuff like cut you off half way through a sentence, or interrupt your conversation with someone, etc....

Now there is a way to do this in a friendly manner, this is it to be honest.
Stand there waiting and naturally the party of people will naturally look at you, and when they do and aren't talking, just go ahead and say the thing you wanted to say, if it's relevant, great.
If not then just tell them, "Oh I just wanted to say something but finish up your conversation."

This shows that you honestly care about there conversation and don't want to be rude, winning "points" with them and having them more receptive when you speak.

So let's continue, how to be the center of attention:

If I had to break this down into steps it would be this and I have wrote and spoke on some of these subjects before

1) Reduce Your Social Anxiety

2) Be Self Amused

3) Smile

4) Be interested and interesting

5) Give them more value then they had before you joined them.

6) When leaving say goodbye to all and hug them if possible.

Okay so I will go into some now and some tomorrow and the day after because I don't like to give info overload.......

1) Reduce Your Social Anxiety!

This one is pretty straight forward, the question really is how.

But before that lets quickly recap what S.A is. S.A (Social Anxiety) is a feeling of people judging you, feeling awkward in a social place with other people or things there and/or just feeling a sinking feeling in the gut when next to some people.

This is a very much negative emotional state. Though you can shift it, the keyword here is state, meaning this can be overcome VERY quickly. A person who has low S.A. Is usually classed as more attractive to people, not just in the sense of sexual relationships but in the sense of business relationships, friends and speaking to strangers...

When you have low S.A. you will find a lot of people might stare at you, and because you have low social anxiety, they're more likely to interact positively to you when you speak. The reason is because showing you are not caring of there judgment's, the person subconsciously links you up to be a leader. And people love leaders.

A prime and recent example of this is how I met two lovely people named Hannah and Sandra. I was on my way back from London and thought to start doing my work on the coach. Now Sandra sat across the small aisle from me and Hannah behind her, it was very full. Anyway pretty much I needed some help and the person next to me wouldn't of known the answer because he was asleep.

So I thought, "might as well ask them." So I asked Sandra and Hannah a question and they replied quite normally which was great. Now had I had Social Anxiety, well a lot of it, I would have just waited until I got home and checked and not spoke to them as they are of the opposite gender and that would freak them out. But I thought in the sense of, "Lets ask".

Eventually I did just turn around and speak to them because they seemed fun and we had a great conversation.

So anyway, 1 of the tips I can give you to working on your social anxiety, is speak to sales assistants or the teller at the bank.

Seriously just ask, "how are you today?" Those words are like magic to people because they're shocked because you sincerely mean it and also because most people don't ask.

These people can't be mean to you and if they tease you it just means they are comfortable with you.

So your assignment for this week is to go and speak to sales assistant's and just speak to them and befriend them because that's how you make friends. Eventually you will start feel comfortable and then start speaking to strangers, asking for directions, then start to wait there for 30 seconds and continue a conversation, etc. Build on what you learn.

Okay I will be back soon with more.

Ooh, one last final thing though. Write/Draw out an image of who you want to be, because when you do, act like you were them already, this places a vibe around you that others pick up subconsciously and it really makes things easier.

If you are having trouble with this process, please feel free to email me at

Bye for now,


p.s. Please comment and let me know your thoughts
How to be the center of attention.... Part 1!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend