Hey guys,
Okay so far we have covered the first 3 of the 6 needs of the Ego.
Just to recap they are:
1) The Need to know.
2) The Need to be right.
3) The Need to judge.
4) The Need to justify.
5) The Need to get even.
6) The Need to look good.
These are pretty easy and basic needs to describe.
So Need number 4.. The need to Justify.
Have you ever done something so random and then immediately either justified it to yourself or to others. I'll give two cases.
1) You have the woman/man who is in an abusive relationship.
Just a little crowd participation please...
What is the logical thing to do if you are in an abused relationship?
That's right: LEAVE it and move on.
But people don't, those that know me know that I have experienced this first hand, well sort of, meaning I came from a bit of a unstable "environment". Anywho this led me to ask people, family members and those I knew who had gone through domestic violence, "Why did you wait so long to leave?" or "Why are you still there?".
The answer I got on average was because, "I love them". Now there is a reason that has to do with the attraction and dating process but that is for another time.
Or they will generally say, "So the kids have a parent around", etc. They will try to justify there ways of living because this blends into the need to be right. They do not want to be told, "You're wrong for living this way."
Now the good case example.
Imagine you are out shopping and you see a pack of crisps/potato chips. And the first you think is,
"Hmmm I want them, but I shouldn't get them"....Then you are at the check out getting them.
In your head you are possibly thinking, "OOH, this is going to ruin my figure, but it's only one pack, I will be fine."
Can you see the justification process? "It's only one pack, I will be fine."
But we all know because, I'm very guilty of this and some people are as well, maybe you to, where you say it's just one then it turns into more and more.
So you can see the need of justification.
Need number 5 is the Need to get even.
This is very self-explanatory, if you have ever been wronged by anyone you generally want to take some very mean action and sometimes you do then you go and justify it, about how it was a right move to do..
So do you see the needs all interlink with one another?
Okay onward and upward to the last one then I will share how some people are dealing with these needs and making them work in there favors.
The need to look good.
You always want to dress well and show a good face, or lead with the good foot.
The reason is because our minds hardwiring says we have to be as presentable as possible so we can mix with the people around us and not be the oddball out the group etc, this is were conformity comes in. Again another subject for another post.
All righty then, how to work with all the needs and keep them from destroying you, many of you who will read this might say, "oh so now I have to really monitor myself." Truth is you don't have to, all you really need to do is start off by conditioning your mind slowly into this habit of using the good things of the ego.
The need to be right can be curbed by the wanting to be accepted, this is done by being kind instead of being right. Which helps in a lot of cases, there is also forgiving yourself and others because, when you forgive you are giving up that cause and problem.
BUT this one little gem is something that has helped me in very aspect of life and I am sure it will help you. If you started viewing the earth and yourself from the spiritual plane, so you were way way wayyyyy up in space...Do you think the problems you face today are big? No way because you are bigger then them. So if you do this, it really takes away a lot of overwhelm.
Also just one last note, The art of focusing can be summed up to this next sentance,
"Focus is looking at the details but not forgetting there is a bigger picture, overwhelm happens when you take your eye off the bigger picture."
Best wishes,
P.S. This tool helped me influence my mind a lot. Check it out here
Podcast: Adil Amarsi
3 years ago
Nice post. I just found your blog from Sinn's blog.
Hey Erika,
Thank you, check back every so often I often post.
Yeah Sinn's stuff is pretty great, I was checking out your blog. Looks good.
Nice piece of article. I really liked the flow of the post. Keep it up.
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