Monday, 17 August 2009

BIG announcement

Hey guys and gals,

I have a big announcement to make...


Right now is live and running. I am getting good steady amounts of people opting in and it is awesome!!!!

I am doing a free weekly newsletter that has exclusive information from the experts in EVERY field possible,
Internet marketing
raising kids happy and healthy
and so much more.

Make sure you come on round to the new site and get all the awesome content!

Click here to visit and join us!

P.S. This is were I will be completely unearthed and you will see my every day sorta life and the lessons I learn :).

BIG announcementSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Friday, 14 August 2009

The tale of two fears....

Hey guys,

Just a quick post because I have been super busy preparing the new site, I am gonna include every type of thing I can on there so you guys can have a real frontal view of my life....

Okay so the tale of two fears...

As we know fear is seen as a bad thing,
but what if I was to tell you it wasn't.

You see we are all born with only 2 fears the others are learned the 2 fears are, fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. The other fears are all learned and not really real.

You remember the age old saying, FEAR is.


So this should mean you shouldn't really fear anything but in a fear based society it's kinda difficult.

Okay so this Tale of two fears is something I learned from a movie that was the worst ending for a Saga but the ending was redone, thankfully, that's right, rocky 5.

Rocky is speaking to Tommy Gunn and asks him,
"Yo Tommy, who's ya best friend?"

Tommy tries to say it's some guy in Oklahoma, where he's from.

Rocky replies, "No it's not your best friend is Fr
eddie Fear... You see when you fight you got fear in you, that fear can do 2 things to you, either show your burning desire or burn you up."

Now I added something else here.

Your fear will do 1 of 2 things to you, either it will set you on fire with passion and desire and have the world come see you burn your passion, or it will kill you slowly inside until you burnout and burn up.

I hope you guys embrace your fear because what you scared of most is usually the path you are meant to go down.

Later Days!


P.S. I will send you links to the new site soon :)
The tale of two fears....SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Time to learn from Millionaire Business People!

Hey all I got this email from Jeff Mills. Pretty awesome

"Hey Adil,

If you could ask any questions you wanted to ask of a Very Successful marketing expert, what would you ask?

Would you want their secret to picking a great product to sell?

Would you want to know what steps they took in the first weeks/months of building their business?

Perhaps you would ask them how they manage their time… find good, qualified people to work for them… how much “freedom” they really have money and time-wise…
or how they get lots of traffic to their websites. What?? You don’t think highly successful people would REALLY tell you their secrets… without cost!

Let me just assure you that MOST successful online marketers would be more then happy to answer your questions… and often will for free… in the right circumstances.

Many will be doing just that in July, August and September during over a dozen teleseminar calls to preview the Jeff Mills’ Midwest Super Conference 3.

The fastest way to discover how to build your own highly profitable online business is by meeting, talking with and studying the skills of others who are successful. The best place to do that this year is at the Jeff Mills’ Midwest Internet Marketing Super Conference 3 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Jeff is pulling together an All-Star Team of successful industry leaders to teach you what you need to know to be successful too. Not just experts with online marketing but people that will also help you to understand how to build a REAL business that can take you away from the JOB rather than just a HOBBY that makes peanuts.

If you are ready to learn from the Best teachers in Internet Marketing and Business Development mark your calendar for September 11th - 13th and 21st in Minneapolis, Minnesota and then reserve your seat now before they are all gone.

Only 200 seats are available for this event and today only 147 are left. Register NOW before yours is taken.

I hope to see you there.


P.S. After you register be sure to watch you email for our next Free Training calls."

Time to learn from Millionaire Business People!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Friday, 7 August 2009

Listening....Why is it important..

Hey all,

Glad you liked the last post.

This is a post that a good friend of mine named Jill gave me an idea to write about...

Listening, and why it is important.

This is a subject that took me a while to learn because I am a natural blue, I don't think my words through they just come out. So it took me a while to listen, now I am not a great listener by my own standards but I am improving so yay there.

Okay so why is listening important?

Before we get into it let's discuss what listening is.
Listening is a skill that is not taught and if it is taught its taught very daftly.

I remember being taught this skill....Not the most fun I've had because all that kept happening was me being told, "dude shut up and listen"....
Now how on earth is that any fun to anyone??????

Okay so listening is taking in information through the ears, hearing the message, clarifying said message, relaying a response to this message or adding to it, which in turn leads into good conversation.

So why is this important?

Besides the VERY obviousness that listening = friendship, knowledge and lovingness from everyone.

It is good for relationships, business, etc.

Honestly speaking I have completely missed it clearly when a girl is telling me she likes me. She could be hinting this and because I wasn't able to listen had to just go by gut instinct. This is not a fun way to go because your Ego will start telling you not to because it thinks she is going to kill you.

Anyway it works in business as well because your business prospect could be telling you what there need is or there pain, by understanding this you can then go out and help them create a product that could help other people like them.

I know I haven't taught the "how to listen" part in this blog and that is because I honestly don't know how I learned, I just studied being quiet, not jumping from my first thought, hearing the person, processing what they said and making an answer, rather then waiting for them to stop talking so I could start.

Hope this helps and have fun listening,

Later days!

Listening....Why is it important..SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Thursday, 6 August 2009

Afformations - No not a typo

Hey guys,

In my last post I told you guys about something called Afformations. Now like I promised here's what an afformation is and how to get it to work for you. But before we begin permit me to remind you what an Affirmation is: Something declared to be true, a positive or negative statement or judgment. But we like to keep it a strictly positive experience. So no, "I suck" more like, "Yay I am feeling awesome!"

Afformations is about questioning yourself rather then affirming.

E.G. "I am a millionaire" (affirmation)
"Why do I have x amount of millions in my account?" (afformation)

So this is pretty powerful because if you have ever heard of this statement before, you will know why:
Statement: "The Quality of Questions determine the Quality of your Life".

If you ask a powerful question such as,
  • Why am I a millionaire?
  • Why am I beautiful?
  • How did I achieve Financial freedom?
  • Why am I so energetic?
  • Why do I have so much fun?
No matter what you ask, positive or negative your brain will give you an answer.
If its,
"Hey Why do I suck so much?" or "Why can't I do nothing right?"

Your brain will answer,

"Because you suck."
"You have no skill's here"

So use Afformations if you a stubborn person like I am and start seeing things happen.

By the way just for you marketing people who want help online and stuff.
Tellman Knudson is giving you a $4000 free course at the moment.
click here to get it

Right I'll speak to you soon,

Later days!

Afformations - No not a typoSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Cancel CANCEL!

Hey guys,

Thanks to those who responded, my friend George is happy about the help you guys gave :).

Just gotta use all I learned and condense it down for him.

Anyway here's today's awesomely awesome post.....

Okay I was listening to the Silva Life System's course and I have only began it because it seems cool. There was one technique that was really cool, it's called, "Canceling".
Probably isn't called that but I call it that :).

so what is this technique?

It pretty much helps you out with helping to program yourself for successful habits.
When ever you feel a negative thought come into your head or a negative question or statement, just say "Cancel cancel", then replace it with something, either an incantation, an affirmation or an afformation (will blog about this soon promise!).

Example would be,

"You really can't make money can you, you know why? Cos you SUCK!"

"CANCEL CANCEL! [this is an incantation btw] Everyday and EVERYWAY I am getting healthier, wealthier and happier." Thing is with incantations you just don't say them, you act them out, meaning you gotta start walking and say this, you have to have a smile on your face, you have to act a little silly to make yourself smile. JUST GO FOR IT!

Will be back with more,

Later Days,

Cancel CANCEL!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

A few new updates....

Hey all,

I have some good news and some "in need of help" news.

First and foremost, I have a new blog up soon. I will send all of you lovely lovely people invites and you can join my monthly newsletter which is pretty much a magazine of sorts with lots of information covering many area's.

Okay next up is this help i need for you all.

My buddy, whom will remain anonymous for obvious reasons, is going through a hard time in there life. Besides the few friends who support them in there ventures and there aspirations, those who don't have now started really tearing them down, as in its pretty painful to watch. They too, like myself, live at home for the moment, there mother had supported them throughout but has recently became really irritable, I know I met her and she isn't the nice lady she once was and the stuff seems to bother her and takes it out on my friend.

Now The advice needed here, because as much as I try to help them, they seem to be stuck in this loop of fighting for there dreams and being told there worthless by there family members, yes all of them, yeah I know it sucks. Could you guys help out?

Thanks again, please write your comments or just email me personally.

Best wishes,

A few new updates....SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Saturday, 1 August 2009

Authenticate it Damn It!

Hey guys,

I watched a cool video the other night, now I went back and checked it out and my comment was moved from number 30 to 31....This isn't relevant but its messed up my awesomely funny weird moment. I posted it and I got number 30, on July 30th 2009 and my goal was deadlined for my birthday, September 30th....freaky huh. Get's crazier cos the time was 11:18:47 pm so 13 more seconds then 3 30s woop.

Okay on to the chocolaty goodness and if you can't have chocolate think of pizza and if you don't like pizza, you are just alien to me =)

On this awesomely awesome video I watched 2nights ago. My buddy and a guy I formerly interviewed, Mr. Bruce Muzik, has recently moved to his beach house in the Caribbean. He shared how he did it.

And it comes down to this...and you can use my blog as a breeding ground for this....

Make an Authenticated promise to everyone. Really get specific. Like tell the whole world what your promise is, when you want it by, this way it creates social pressure and bam you have to do it or face losing face with people....

Then all you have to do is make sure you lay out how you wanna do it, find the first "domino" to knock over so the others fall in place to make the mosaic that is your life.

Best wishes,


P.S. Everyone of you that bought the 11 forgotten laws, Rocks and I hope you enjoyed my extra bonuses.

P.P.S. If you have no clue what the hell i am on about, check out this post, by clicking here
Authenticate it Damn It!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend