Monday, 27 April 2009

Learn ultimate Confidence.....

Hey guys,

I hope you are all well.

I know that the reason most people don't meet new people is because they have a seemingly self-esteem/confidence issue.
"How do you raise your confidence?" seems to be a common question, that is shockingly never answered properly.

I did discover a way to raise my own confidence and it was really simple, I walked my mum through this exercise and her confidence went through the roof , by the way I take NO CREDIT for this technique. All credit goes to a hypnotist by the name of Hypnotica, and if anyone has read Neil Strauss' The Game, he is known as Rasputin (Only found that out from his site).

Anyway the exercise is simple, start off by standing in either an open space, or a room that has no blockages to trip you up.

So stand in the centre and make sure and say this out loud. At the wall behind you or the place behind you (and mark it) is where you feel the least confident and the wall ahead or the place ahead of equal distance and say out loud, "This is where I feel most confident and can do anything I want", or known as your state of flow....

So yes close your eyes, inhales deeply and take in where you are, now take one step back, acknowledge the feeling (you should feel a lil heavier and sadder) the point of this is to acknowledge things can get worse and by knowing worse you can get better and appreciate it more.
So take one step back, accept in, inhale deep and take it in. When you have this done, take another step back and repeat.

Then take one step forward. Did you feel the difference? Right, now inhale and take this experience in.
Take another step forward, do you feel lighter?
Inhale, take another step forward, how do you feel?
Take a step back.

Each step, take in the experience, breathe in and then keep taking steps forward and back, when u want to end it, make sure your at the super confident stage as this well help you out.

Best wishes,


P.S. Click here to get my e-book free
Learn ultimate Confidence.....SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Saturday, 25 April 2009

Journey back in time....

Hey guys,

Sorry I haven't posted in 2 weeks, a lot has been happening and let's just leave it there :).

On the bright side, I have found and still finding out more about why I, personally do things.
So how this affects you, is that you can use what I learned for yourself and reap those rewards :).

Ok so as you know I had to see my aunt/psychiatrist, and she told me to do some meditation among other things, by the way thank you to Jerry Pinero, Debbie K and all the other people who sent me suggestions for mediation...I read through the ones I found, briefly and there awesome.

Anywho as I was mediating I came across something I had long since forgotten, it's amazing how your brain will block out painful memories. So I went through a few painful memories over the time I had free and something amazing happened that hasn't happened since I was 10. By the way I am nearly 20!
I began to cry, not from pain, rememberance of fear or anything like that, but crying from seeing it there and letting it last.

I still have many more to go through but I know it helps us grow.

So here's what I would love you guys to do for me ok?

To get this feeling into yourself, start a quick mediation, breathe in through the nose, and out through the mouth, engaged in your mind, and do this until your mind is quiet.
Then let it flow into itself and you will discover some cool things in there, trust me.

When you come across anything positive, embrace it and be grateful for it and if it is negative, just observe it, and disassociate from it, this will help you grow.

The positive things, write them down, and use them in your emotional bank account and keep them close.

Best wishes and I hope this helps.

Adil A Amarsi

P.S. Click here to get a copy of my e-book, for free
Journey back in time....SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Friday, 10 April 2009

Good vs Bad

Hey guys,

This is a "good vs bad" problem solving post. Mainly cos I thought it was a cool post to do and it makes all the sense in the world.

Basically, if you were to send either God or the Devil to deal with a problem who would you send?

God will be using forgiveness and can't be bought out, unless its a peaceful way.
The Devil will be using destruction and can be bought out even if it is done by deceit and probably will bite you in the butt.

Now which would you pick?

Most people say, God, right?
Well take this into another analogy, if you have a problem with someone, don't send hate(the Devil) but send Love (God) to do your work of forgiveness.

So the lesson I learned is send forgiveness and love to someone who annoyed you. I know this is hard but my aunt/therapist told me to and I have done with that person and the relationship is rebuilding. Once this relationship is rebuilt I know I can resume being myself around people that think I am mad at them....

To those friends, I am not mad at you, nor upset at you, I still love you it's just I need time to heal this first...

Sorry for going on a random tangent. But definitely give this thing a try.

Blessings and best wishes,

Good vs BadSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

A lesson well learnt.....the actual progress

Hey guys,

As you read in my last post, I saw my aunt and well she gave me a bunch of tasks to do...
So here goes, my first task was to make a list of things I'm grateful for, why I'm grateful for them, use the Core Influence stuff from Mass Control and then to top it all off, reread the Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.

So I have just about finished my gratitude list, and now going to write the reasons why next to them.... It isn't droll it's quite fun, mainly because my reward is I get to go skating for an hour.

For those who don't know what core influence is, it was on the "A cool way to really kick start your life...." Well partially.

Just a quick update, will be back soon with some awesome content, chat in a few days!

Best wishes,


Click here to manifest your dreams....Quicker :-)
A lesson well learnt.....the actual progressSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Sunday, 5 April 2009

A lesson well learnt

Hey guys and gals,

I just got home from my Aunty's place in Birmingham, UK.
Now I just had to write this post up because, she is my aunty but more importantly she is my psychiatrist and I could only see her today.

Now the reason I am babbling on about my aunt is because she gave me some superb advice today, I have been for a few months been dealing with a problem that I can't seem to shake and as a result I decided, "Time to see my aunt again"....So off I went to Birmingham, we sat and talked then she started the interrogation part :P.

"Why do you feel this way? What effect has it had on you, your business, friends, family, etc?"

We continued and about 6 hours later, we came to the conclusion that I had been in a state of not knowing and I asked really odd questions. She asked me also, Just as my friend Sheryl did,
"When was the last time you meditated?"

I told her its been a while, so my aunt being as brill as she is, set up a work chart for me, of simple things to do daily, in which I will be sharing with you all, so you to can take some lessons away.
JUST so you know.... I DON'T have the answers to life's problems.

I wanna share with you my experience because one day, who knows, someone might have this prob and this post could be sent to them :).

Ok so the first thing she told me to do was,

  • Re-evaluate yourself, your friends, goals, dreams, perceptions and purposes.
  • write out what you wanna do
  • Do a new 30 day mental fast.
  • Don't listen to people you don't like
  • Don't let those people effect you, if they are talking, you start walking.
There's more she shared with me as well which I will share along the way. For now though this is the start.

Best wishes,
A lesson well learntSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Thursday, 2 April 2009

One of the biggest killers to success in life!

Is the answer....
This is a bit of a serious post. Many networkers have this problem, and because of it they tend to leave there companies, quit or just continue in silent desperation.

So the question here is, how do you resolve worthiness issues.


"Am I worthy of success in.....[Fill in with what you do]?"
"Am I worthy of love?"
"Am I worthy of health?"
"Am I worthy of Prosperity?"

These are some questions I have heard before. So I would like you, the reader to submit your best ways around this issue. How have you done it, or do you know someone that has?
If so how did they?

I would love to have all of you comment to this. or email me with a response :).

I would like to know as well because if I should come across this then I will be well equipped....or better yet, if someone I know has this issue I will have some good advice...

Blessings and best wishes,

Thank you.


P.S. Learn to manifest your dreams :)
One of the biggest killers to success in life!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend