Monday, 8 December 2008

Network Marketing - What Is It?

First, Network Marketing isn't a pyramid scheme. Pyramids are programs similar to chain letters where people just invest money based on the promise that other people will put in money that will filtrate back to them and somehow, they'll get rich. A pyramid is strictly a money game and has no basis in real commerce. Normally, there's no product involved at all, just money changing hands. Modern-day pyramids may have a product, but it's clearly there just to disguise the money game. Pyramid schemes are illegal worldwide, the only way to make money in a pyramid scheme is to take money from other people and not give them any products. Pyramid schemes are money games, where the only thing changing hands is money and not products. Recently products have been added but that is just a guise to hide the fact it is just a money game.

Network marketing is a legitimate business. First, it's based on providing people with real, legitimate products they need and want at a fair price. While some people do make a lot of money through network marketing, their financial benefit is always the result of their own dedicated efforts to build an organisation that sells real products and their own personal growth.

Network marketing isn't about taking advantage of your friends and relatives. Only a few years ago, network marketing meant retailing to, and sponsoring people from, your "warm list" of prospects. Although sharing the products or services and the opportunity with people you know is still the basic foundation of the business, today we see more people using sophisticated marketing techniques such as the Internet, conference calling and other long-distance sponsoring techniques to extend their network across the world.

Network marketing isn't a get-rich-quick scheme. Of course some people do make large amounts of money very quickly. Many would say those people are lucky. But success in networking isn't based on luck. Success in network marketing is based on following some very basic yet dynamic principles.

Network marketing is a serious business for serious people. It's a proven system where the design, creation and expense the corporate team has gone through becomes a road map for your own success. Just follow the simple, proven and duplicable system that the good companies provide.

The real key is this: Network marketing is all about leverage. You can leverage your time and increase the number of hours of work effort on which you can be paid by sponsoring other people and earning a small income on their efforts. J. Paul Getty, who created one of the world's greatest fortunes, said "I would rather make 1 percent on the efforts of 100 people than 100 percent on my own efforts." This very basic concept is the cornerstone of network marketing.

For example, most successful people building a network marketing business do so in an organised method. They work a few dedicated hours each week, with each hour of effort serving as a building block for their long-term business growth. Then they sponsor other people and teach those people how to sell the company product and sponsor others who duplicate the process.

Zig Ziglar has a Golden rule which is legendary in Network Marketing, "If you help enough people get what they want you will get what you want."

By helping the people you personally sponsor to sponsor others, you duplicate yourself. As this process continues, you create compound growth that can lead to hundreds or even thousands of people coming into your business. You leverage your time by helping others be successful and earn an income from all their efforts.

With network marketing, there are no big capital requirements, no geographical limitations, no minimum quotas required and no special education or skills needed. Network marketing is a low-overhead, home-based business that can actually offer many of the tax advantages associated with owning your own business. Network marketing is a people-to-people business that can significantly expand your circle of friends. It's a business that enables you to travel and have fun as well as enjoy the lifestyle that extra income can provide.

One of the best, if not the best network marketing company out there is Success University.

This is a site where you learn from Zig Ziglar and many other top names such as Les Brown, Jim Rohn, John DeMartini, John Gray, Todd Falcone, Brian Tracy, Denis Waitly, Shiela Murray Bethal, Debra Fine, Craig Goldblatt and many many more!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great info my friend, that's why I wrote a book along with Les Brown, Robert Kiyosaki, Chuck Norris, Sue Orman etc. called "Walking with the wise Entrepreneur". As a faculty member of Success U. I am all about empowering people to their Success.

keep up the great blogging,

Dr Stan